Thursday, September 29, 2016


Triumph             9/29/2016

Clouds gather
And a heaviness fills the air
Weighing us down
With intensifying fear. 

The moon hides
In our shadow
As we spin around the sun
In an ancient arc
Of rhythmic tides.

We have lived
And we have loved
But bigger things
Happen outside. 

Secrets are hidden
But we still get a glimpse
Waking up
Or sliding down.   

Inertia is gravity
Pulling me downward
Into a hole
Pulling me into a vacuum
Of lethargy and loathing. 

An internal fog
From which
There is little escape
A cold, gray drizzle
In the middle of my mind. 

In silence we live
And foolishness we die
Without ever questioning
How or why.  

Slaves to impulse
And instinctive emotions
Traceable to our common tragedies
One after another. 

Questions surface
But then we push them down
Imagining everything
But doing nothing. 

If we stay the same
We are already buried
Bombed into hades
Burning in our fat.

Evil reigns
And that explains it all
An unbearable existence
Devolving into violence
And senseless terror.

Evil never rests
And now it paces
At the door
And unfettered
It rages out of control.

Remember the poets
When the world goes dark
Searching for familiar words
In the blank screen of death.

Find it in the streets
And find it in the dark
The rebel press
And unstoppable. 

Even in the darkness
We have lit the fire
The kind that burns
Brighter by the hour. 

They have lost
So now see the desperation mount
Spent completely in a spasm
To destroy all they can. 

Trust in the light
And lean upon God
That all of us are protected
Joyful at his return. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sliding Window

Sliding Window               9/28/2016

Quiet as a mouse
In the dead of night
The subversion of truth
And speech.    

We who peered
Behind the curtain
Saw more than they wanted
Shrugging off the sleep
Of numberless years.

Rubbing our eyes in disbelief
That so many were used
All of us duped
And all of us fooled. 

Right under our nose
And barely mentioned at all
The passage of truth
From searchable
To forbidden.

All of it for power
And all of it for control
The masses used
And guided
Just because
They can. 

The change has come
And many have awakened
Too many to jail
Or murder. 

So now the window closes
Unnoticed in the night
Slipping by
And slipping through
Unreported and unopposed. 

Win or lose
They cashed their checks
Each one privileged
And feeding at the trough. 

We believed
And we tried
Doing our best
Day in
And day out. 

But all of it was rigged
And all of it
Was squandered
Wasted away
On nothing at all. 

Pray lest the spark go out
Leaving us all
Fumbling in the darkness
Led by lies
To our own slaughter. 

Let the light expose all
And always find a way
To share the truth
Even when shunned
And even when punished. 

That they day will yet come
That all is known and understood
Shinning like the sun

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Cross Hair

Cross Hair         9/27/2016

I was born
With a target on my back
Clueless as a sheep
Led by the nose. 

We didn’t know
But we tried to be good
Listening every day
To lie after lie.  

My parents were honest
And loved me
More than themselves
Working and striving
To give me a start.

But they had no idea
How much they were hated
Because they told the truth
And boldly with fairness. 

We watched the suicide
Roll across the land
In a million tiny degrees
All was lost. 

The world they built
And made out of nothing
Teeters on a foundation
Rotted from the inside out.

I think of them
And I think of my kids
Innocent, honest
Generous and kind. 

Every day is new
And I also still try
But only a fool
Should believe
That all people are good. 

You will sense it
When you see it
At The first shiver of doubt
That some seethe with hatred
And want to snuff you out. 

It might be
For many reasons
But the end result
Is the same
That money and power
Are all rigged and gamed. 

So we who watch
Must now decide
Just how far we are willing
To sleep in our dreams. 

Awaken the lion
Lest we all be cut down
Sniped from afar
And cut down below. 

Speak no matter what
And scan every face
Choosing love
Through strength
And defiance. 

Head Wound

Head wound                   9/27/2016

This too will pass
And this too will fall
The smug and the proud
The powerful and the cruel.

Protected at every turn
And helped in ever fight
The liars and the cheaters
Lurching toward the end. 

Labeling and lying
Hiding and ducking
Nothing but a fake façade
Rotten to the core.

Propped up by lies
And prodded with answers
The evil prophets
Riding on a beast.

Off in the head
The fatal wounds are healed
But only for a time
To lie, cheat and steal. 

Snorting at the prospect
Of betraying all the good
Selling out you
And selling out me. 

From whom does the money come
And from who do the favors drop
The arrogance of evil
Who will do anything to win. 

The favorite of fools
And authentic haters
Preferring terror to truth
Every single time. 

But what are we to do
The voiceless in the middle
Ignored and penalized
Every step of the way. 

Those without big banks
And those without oligarchs
With no influence to sell
Or power to peddle. 

Hated for our honesty
And loathed for our truth
The descendants of the good
Attacked from every angle. 

Invaded, marginalized
Undefended and abused
Now more than ever
We groan under the weight.

Yes I have felt it
And yes I have seen it
Watching it all
Like slow motion disaster. 

But sooner
Rather than later
All of this shall end
As the last hour approaches
Sure, final, and swift. 

Black Moon Rising

Black Moon Rising         9/27/2016

You knew it then
And you know it now
From the first lie to the last
Carefully rehearsed
Far in advance. 

If you have no conscience
Then you have no soul
And those without spirit
Will cheat anyone they can. 

Dead on the inside
And rotten to the core
They prop each other up
Anyway they can. 

Coasting through life
On the blood of others
With spoon fed responses
And carefully concocted lies.

How many will remember
The names of the lost
Choked, raped or burned
And drug through the street.

They laugh while others suffer
And they joke
While others die
Always shifting the blame
With another bold face lie.

Let them reap the harvest
Of all that they have wrought
A deadly fruit of evil
Poisonous when eaten
And deadly when caught. 

Let them see the whirlwind
Closing across the distance
And churning up the plains
Unstoppable and undeniable
Ripping up every obstacle
And tearing up the grain.   

Once smug
But permanently defeated
The proud and powerful
Judged, weighed
And humiliated. 

At the last possible moment
Swept away forever
Powerless before God
The liar
And the fraud.