Friday, November 4, 2011

The Wait

The Wait 11/4/2011

The heart is more than a muscle
That pumps blood through our body
And the mind contains more than matter
At least the kind you can see.

We busy ourselves with meaningless competition
And emulate the worst of men
Idolizing ourselves
And escaping into mindless diversions.

Barricaded in our houses
And glued to electronic entertainment
We forget and we laugh
As Rome burns all around.

We will see the end come
And watch it live
But it won’t really sink in
Until our windows break
And our doors kicked in.

It is so easy to drift
And let your life slip away
Just going through the motions
Predictable and dead.

Under cover of darkness
Many are confused
And by a Trojan Horse of truth
Many will believe the lies.

It is easy to believe
What others have said
But it is hard to listen
To the quiet voice of the soul.

God gave us more than breath
And what we have is immortal
But even immortality
Can’t save us
From willful ignorance.

Looking back
You can clearly see
And hear the echoes
Warning us.

But going forward
We don’t hear a thing
And march headlong
Into disaster.

Evil doesn’t always look evil
And safety isn’t always safe
As we try to avoid pain
And sidestep into disaster.

By the time we know
It is almost always too late
And now that I have understood
I can barely save myself.

I think about it
But can’t see the point
About why I could know
But yet still be wasted.

What would it mean
For me to learn
Just to ruminate on the reasons
And live in the ruins.

There must be a reason
That is larger than the self
Because there must be more
Than what I see
And what I have.

But if there is a message
Then where is the patience
As time drags on forever
Without action
And without change.

A cruel status quo
Has hardened like concrete
And while the good wait
So much has been lost.

Sometimes truth is difficult
Especially the kind we avoid
The real truth we always knew
But we are force fed as myth.

The liars parade triumphantly
And how they love to be worshipped
Getting everything they want
Whenever they want it.

And I just wait
Like so many others
Waiting for something
Something authentically promised
And something truly great.

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