Thursday, November 10, 2011

Anonymous 11/10/11

I am a secret
Looking across the difference
Between the known
And the invisible.

A man of sad eyes
And a lonely heart
But still standing
With head held high
And trying to smile.

Time drips in a glass
Faster and faster
Into the present
And away from the past.

Adding up
One on top of the other
To the problems
That we have ignored.

The thoughts have changed
And my heart has hardened
Crystallizing memory
Within the wisdom of living.

Growing up and falling down
Just to meet in the middle
As dangerous as they are tempting
The feelings of alienation.

I am separated from the world
And apart from love
Unable to feel the same pleasures
Without regret or pain.

Across a frozen sea
Is everything I remember
All of the people
And all of the love.

But you can’t give up one thing
Without losing something else
And I feel so very alone
And cold.

The tastes are bland
And the colors washed out
Fading into the icy white
Far from the passionate reds
And vivid oranges
All bleached away, and dead.

On the other side
Are my passions
The feelings that I loved
And made me alive.

She told me
That I lived in my emotions
And let them rule my days
But we all have emotions
And sometimes they are folly
Destroying us all.

It isn’t what flashes in our minds
It is what we do that counts
Either we replay the feelings over and over
Until we act
Or we smash them into pieces.

My passions are still present
But I have locked them away
Underneath the ice
Where the water is fresh
And the fish are slow.

If I acted on my feelings
Where would I be
And what horror would I do
Perhaps blood on my face
And blood on my hands.

If I acted out the passions
What wild place would call me
Free from all expectations
And all obligations.

Free to escape
And free to run
Letting all the damage spread out
Behind me.

But that is for the cowards
Who run from the test
Who cannot stand the long run
Giving up for someone else.

What would my children remember
If I had left them alone
Holding the empty bags of lies
And stupid juvenile words.

No that is for the shallow
And that is for the weak
Grabbing on
To whatever is convenient
And running away.

But it takes two
To make decisions
And only one to throw it away
But not that I haven’t learned
And not that I didn’t know.

When we were young
None of us knew
But it was only after I learned
That the suffering came
And I fell from grace.

But even though she may not know
I have stood it well
Learning and growing
From the inside out.

I shall cross the ice
But even if I sink
There are worse things than dying
That is the thing
That only a few will know
And even fewer ever tell.

The crossing is risky
And the crossing is cold
But so is giving up
And so is giving in.

But better it is to try
That it is to wonder
Staring across time
Dead and cold

It could be here
Or the dark side of the moon
A place where the hidden souls flee
And only the brave ever know.

Behind the Curtain 11/10/2011

Look behind the curtain
And you will see
All the strings and levers
Discovering the truth
Behind what they show.

The false idols
And the little gods of fools
The worship of the masses
To the vanity of men.

The arrogance of the powerful
And all their secret hatred
Carefully hidden
But true.

A false flag is rising
And it is a bloody banner
A great and shining lie
To take in the weak
And the fully dependent.

Beware of deception
Because it grows every day
Invading ever crack
And covering every angle.

Guns, bombs and missiles
Are packed up and shipped
But not by who you think
And not for what you know.

To kill the good
And savage the innocent
The apocalyptic results
Of jealous vanity.

Keep your eyes open
Because it is about to happen
But the truth is visible
To those who watch.

A terrible lie
And a great diversion
Anything to win
And anything to steal.

A change is coming
And there is fear all around
Because the line has been crossed
And the sleeping will awake.

Great things will happen
But they are not what they seem
And the wise should never forget
What they know in their heart.

Because good and evil
Have not changed
The same now
Just as they ever were.

There is the way
That we are taught
And then there is the truth
As different as what people may say
Versus what we know.

Man lives in the make believe
And small men skew the truth
Making their art of contempt
But experience is the difference
In the heart and in the mind.

You can argue
And you can fake
But it is the heart that matters more
The truth, the light, and the glory.

Prophecy 11/8/11

It’s not enough
And it’s not okay
To act like everything is fine
When it is not
And it never was.

I am here to speak
And I am here to write
To show
The truth behind the lies
And the lie between the eyes.

It is over and it is finished
And nothing can save it now
The decision made
Irrevocable and absolute.

You can only guess
And you can only wonder
How I could really know
But it is simple as God
Because if one doesn’t do it
Then another one will.

If that is what will happen
Then what can man do
And if there is nothing to fear
Then punishment has no teeth.

You cannot stop truth
And you cannot destroy
What God has made
For who is in me is stronger
And he will wipe the liar away.

Let him run
And let him hide
Under the table
In the dead of night.

Let him message
And let him call
Let him lie
And let him steal
Because he to will suffer
And he will to will die.

Death is coming for all
And with it
Comes the end
Falling forever
In silence.

You have made your bed
And you have pledged your life
All upon a lie
And all upon a fraud.

You have denied the good
And shamed the honest
Now you also
Shall see his end.

The platform is burning
And soon it shall crumble
Falling downwards
All upon itself.

The words have been written
And prophecy spoken
Soon it will come to pass
Just as sure as God predicted
And just as I shall witness.

The cruelty is all coming home
And every word is remembered
The juvenile love
And the self serving fool.

He shall stumble
And he shall fall
Into the trap
That he himself set.

He shall die
Unhonored and unsung
Detested as a worm
And forgotten by all.

The shame shall fall back
And his name erased
Like he never lived
And never knew.

The days of lies are over
Because now they are exposed
The proof I always knew
Laid out for all to see.

The name of horror
And it is but cheap malice
Shall burn until its gone
Replaced by the righteous
And gone forever.

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