Monday, November 28, 2011

The Hated

The Hated 11/28/2011

Either you love it
Or you hate it
Because okay
Will never be enough
Not now
Or ever again.

Go ahead
Do what you like
And do what you want
Because it’s all been done before
Unaccredited and unrecorded
But twice as cool.

I am not here
Just to talk
And I am not here
Just to argue.

But I have come
To start something
Something bigger than me
And bigger than words.

I have been cut off
And chopped off at the knees
My heart cut out
From the backside in.

But I am more
Than flesh and blood
And I am still standing
With deadened eyes
And burning wings.

I don’t care if it hurts
And I don’t care how it looks
Because that to, I have seen
And it does not matter in the end.

A real rebel shouldn’t play it safe
And attack the usual targets
But rather he should tell the truth
That will make him the hated.

Others go on
And think they are witty
Ridiculing the good and well intentioned
And excusing all the evil.

They look away
While the good are stabbed
And the innocent beaten
Cowering accomplices
After the fact.

Maybe they are afraid
Or maybe they don’t understand
But I am not of their world
Soulless and dead.

Others act without remorse
And how easily do they destroy
Carelessly selling out the good
For just a few dollars more.

How nonchalantly do they live
And deny the good
Showing their fake smile
Again and again.

They whistle past the grave yard
And drag their own tombs behind
Unaware and dumb
Wasted, deaf and dead.

It is two minutes to midnight
And still they lie
Oblivious to the horror
That was never a surprise.

They see only the visible
And they trust only in themselves
Doing what is right in their own minds
And ignoring the truth all around.

The spirit can’t be seen
And can go anywhere
Formless as smoke
And as strong iron.

It is in me
And with it, I have returned
Rising in a column of fire
Burning brighter than the sun.

I have waited long enough
Because if they don’t do it
Then maybe I will
Ready to die
And willing to kill.

I have rested my eyes
Upon the end
And I have set my face
Into the storm.

Nothing can stop it
And nothing can hold it
Greater than their dreams
And larger than their ambitions.

They can have my head
Because I am not afraid
And the end can come
For all I can care.

I have been here before
And I will be here after
With a fire in my heart
That no man can put out.

I am the shadow
And I am the hated
Hated because of my strength
And hated because I am good.

But they can hate all they want
And they can lie and steal
Turning the tables to their advantage
And counting all their money.

Soon the table shall be turned
And they shall be knocked over
Exposing the gamblers game
And crushing them to death.

The do not know the secret
And they live in their own efforts
Thinking that are clever
For all that they have won.

But I am the secret
And the one they didn’t know
Even though they knew me
They never saw my soul.

Greater than their deeds
And larger than their words
Cutting through every lie
And cleaving them in two.

We know not
Who stands before us
And we know not
Who has begged for help
Never recognizing the good
That we have rejected
And denied.

Yes, I am the hated
And yes, I wear it with honor
With my eyes burning them through
And smiling.

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