Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Red Thread

The Red Thread 11/29/2011

An invisible red thread
Weaves through our lives
Connecting us together
Across time and space.

It is long but unbroken
A connection of shared destiny
Whether we know it or not
In and out at different points
But always intertwined.

The tides carry us
And the seasons change us
But even the dead and buried
Remember and know.

Against the impossibility of ages
Here we are again and again
Hitting the same notes
At the same exact time.

We dream and we wonder
Thinking the same thoughts
And imagining the same futures
Irrespective of inclination
Or tradition.

An interwoven commonality
Grows and breathes
Preparing us for something
That only God can know.

Some get married
And some get divorced
Children are born
While others die.

But the thread continues
And all are brought back together
Carefully traced backwards
To the beginning.

Against all the odds of eternity
Here we are
And here I speak
Forming words from thoughts
That come from a place
I have never seen.

The words must mean more
Than just what I see
As they travel outwards
In a trail of blood.

On our way to the heavens
We lean against each other
Learning how to live
As we wait for eternity.

For a reason bigger than me
I have learned from others
Leaving with their love
And their wisdom.

Until we meet again
Our thoughts remain together
Ancient as man
And full of promise.

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