Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Late at night

Late at night 11/30/2011

Embrace the night
Because the day is over
With nothing to fear
And nothing to worry
Because I lightning in my hands.

The night blazes with light
And reverberates with sound
Pulsing in my veins
And heightening my senses.

The colors splash vibrant
Glowing with neon
As an angel with pink hair
Weaves her way over.

I am more alive than ever
And I wish it could last forever
That I could stay in this little world
And never go back.

To stay here
Past the bewitching hour
When the good die
And evil awakens.

I can feel time pass
But it doesn’t bother me
As I drink another round
And think of you.

Tomorrow I’ll drag myself to work
With all of the other lemmings
Cramming ourselves in metal cans
And waiting forever.

I’ll try not to think
As I sleep in the gray
Jerking myself awake
When my stop comes up.

But I have debts to pay
And I am far behind
Without any chance to escape
The endless stream of days.

Like so many others
I wonder about the chances
About all the different lives
I could have lived
And all the loves
I could have had.

If my choices had been better
And I had been wiser
Maybe if I had listened
With my head to the ground.

But I didn’t know
And I didn’t understand
Exactly how much it mattered
To pay attention
And pay the price.

I was just sleep walking
With my brain in neutral
Pushed along by events and people
To a destination
That I never wanted.

To you passer by
This is what I dream
That you would know
And maybe see
That a world without beauty
Is worthless and dying.

We could make it over
If only we would try
Taking a little piece of brilliance
And shooting it
On our day.

To laugh a little more
And live a little bolder
To make a life of richer textures
In any way we can.

We are more than what we do
And each conversation is a treasure
Another opportunity to embrace
And another life to cherish.

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