Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kammler, The Sacrifice, and Velvet Eyes

Kammler 11/8/11

The best kept secrets
Are hidden in plain view
Secreted away underground
In a hall full of horrors.

A deeper black than black
And a future found in the past
Where anything is possible
Limitless and ghastly.

You can trade power for safety
And only the powerful will know
Because a man with power
Can keep a secret
And a man with knowledge
Can keep it all.

Bury yourself in the forest
Or change or your face and name
But where you are does not matter
If you can’t make a deal
Out of money or fear.

Someone has taken the gold
And someone has perfected time
Changing the past
And changing the future.

Mercury is fleet of foot
And travels from place to place
Making friends of enemies
And enemies of all.

Rocketing into space
On the wings of the past
And holding on to the secrets
In a land of eternal death.

In a icy fortress of silence
The world has heard the truth
Crawling like a spider
Over every single land.

Shaking hands with the darkness
Man has made his mark on earth
Soaring into the heavens
Just like God knew he would.

The truth is bigger than us
And the secrets better than fiction
A journey into madness
At the end of the earth.

A worm hole travels from one place
And ends up in another
But only God knows it all
And only he can save us now.

They have called up Lucifer
And they have blackmailed the truth
Defying conventional wisdom
To reach the very stars.

But even in the end
Good shall prevail
Though the earth sink
And the demons wail.

The inner eye can see
Where no one is allowed
And the deepest darkest memory
Lives in ourselves.

I have no power
And my knowledge is a guess
But there is more than what we see
And more than what we hear.

I am not afraid
And I am not silent
Just a man with an eye
And a man with a mind.

I have grown my heart
And I have said my prayers
Because good is stronger than evil
And God will prevail.

The Sacrifice 11/8/11

Every day feels the same
Until it changes
And the world turns upside down
In the blink of an eye
Everything is different
Either for good or bad.

We have drifted for so long
And distract ourselves with pleasure
Just to pretend
And just to forget.

We all want to escape
But we all have different methods
With different weaknesses
And different strengths.

Some men grow up
But never get wise
Still markedly juvenile
Wanting everything
No matter who is hurts.

I also have lived there
And I also wanted to forget
Crawling into a deep dark hole
To sleep.

I wanted to wake up
With everything the same
And everyone close
Those I no longer knew
But have never forgotten.

I wanted them to sneak in
And wake me up
Telling me that everything was ok
And that they loved me.

But instead I woke up
To a nightmare
Tormenting me day after day
Always forgotten
And all alone.

A fate worse than hatred
It is to be forgotten
Left holding the bag
Without any thought at all.

A perfect sacrifice is the good man
As he suffers unjustly
Walking to the gallows
For a crime he didn’t commit.

He takes on the suffering
Undeserved and horrible
Taking the blows manfully
And rising again and again.

He goes out with his head held high
Knowing he is good
Stronger than death
And stronger than lies.

Knowing the truth
He does what is right
Even if it hurts
And even if he suffers.

But a selfish man plots his course
And cares not for others
But only his self interest
And his pride.

They destroy the innocent
And leave them with nothing
And there is nothing more vile
Than a man who stabs you in the back
Too cowardly to look you in the eye.

They do their worst
And sneak away
Always thinking underneath the table
To lie, steal, and murder.

But they love to win
More than anything else
Hoping to provoke the good
So they can blame someone else.

I was provoked
And how I wanted to act
But it was something I couldn’t do
Because that is what they wanted.

I don’t have to be right
Because I know that it will end
If not one way
Then it will be another
One day for sure
All undone and dead.

And I don’t care if it hurts
Because I know how it feels
To be stabbed through the heart
But live anyway.

The perfect sacrifice in our heart
Will give us comfort in the night
Inspiring us to greater heights
Than any they will know.

He who charges me
Is not afraid of death
And he who raises me
Shall blow their dust away.

Velvet Eyes 11/8/11

Push back the velvet curtain
And stare into the midnight sky
Deeper into the past
To view who we are.

I dreamed of a white crystals
And diamonds
Falling through the sky
Like sleepy snowflakes
Covering the trees.

Dripping on black velvet
As they fall weightless into my hands
A pure and perfect memory
Dancing around her face.

I am smiling as I take her hand
And we drift effortlessly across the room
Into a deep plush booth
Glowing with silver.

Her dark eyes reflect the flames
And burn into mine
Mesmerizing me into a place
That I never want to leave.

She is as perfect as I remember
And her long white arms
Reach out to touch my face
Tender and loving.

I can almost feel her touch
And I tell her I love her
Forever and ever
And then she smiles, whispers
Closes her eyes and disappears.

I can never hear her reply
And that is the haunting part
A dream full of memory
And a memory full of regret.

Damn the dreams of wasted youth
And forget the pain
Stabbing at my chest
As I bury the pictures
In a box.

Love is not simple
And love is not for dreams
But for the happy
And the living
In a field of perpetual bloom.

I love you
And I always will
Your grace greater than the world
And your secrets

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