Friday, August 27, 2010

Treasure Found

Treasure found. 08/27/2010

Some people dream of tomorrow
And some long for yesterday
As for me I am caught in the middle
But that’s ok with me
With my feet deep in pink sand.
And the warm sun on my head.

Walking along the shore
The water cold and surging around my feet
Searching for the perfect shell
To hang on a string or maybe in a vase

The colors of the Atlantic mystify
A deep unfathomable, blue, green and gray
And I imagine myself deep below
Touching neon fish, slippery and smooth.

The girls laugh and run from the surf
Their voices seem far away and muted
And birds cry above the white caps
On a cool but sunny afternoon

We wrote our names in the sand
And watched the tide melt them away
Imagining my sadness in a bottle
That I throw as far as I can

The depths are silent
And lay claim to what they want
But I drink my rum like a pirate
Who has found his treasure
And throw my head back in laughter.

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