Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This is the first of my poems that I am blogging. It isn't my best, but I like it and it expresses my feelings in a way I could never communicate in straight narrative. I sincerely hope that anyone stumbling upon it might enjoy it or at least find it thought provoking.
The weight

Imperceptible the creeping end
One millimeter, two millimeter, three millimeter, four
Miles beneath my feet
Ancient rock shifts and sinks
And I feel so very alone.

The time of troubles
That seems to never end
So small that we didn’t even notice
The day it started or the day it ends.

I never noticed at the time
That vague sense of death
Not enough to rouse me from sleep
But just enough to hurt.

It is the first wound deep and mortal
That is the one that cannot heal
Penetrating from back to front
The one I knew was coming
But didn’t know from where.

The secrets are deep within me
And they do not come out without pain
Uneasy they rest inside my memory
Almost undetected, but growing.

Looking forwards you never see it coming
The painful snares that lay in our path
We react rather than see
And side step into disaster.

In my dreams I have seen the connection
And in my heart I have felt its sting
Aghast my breath taken away
At the tragic but expected end.

I have chosen a course
And have suffered the consequence
And I have succeeded and failed
Still standing
But full of deadly holes.

Unwanted I wandered in grief
Back into the desperate wasteland I left
But I never found any water
And I never found any resolution.

The sun still passes overhead
And the past has circled out of view
The wounding words hurt a little less
But the pain never goes away.

I am alone
And all my help has disappeared
Long since evaporated
Leaving salt in my wounds.

Moments pass
And I cherish what I can
My daughters smile
And her soft caress.

Sitting on the rocks
We got our feet wet at the lake
And we laughed at silly dreams
The kind only children can have.

I shall never be as before
The small things do not matter now
Wasted my impatient days of youth
When I knew love
And sighed in false safety.

I am so far fallen
And I know where I went wrong
And I listen to cruel normalcy
And it still hurts my heart.

Everything I ever said
And everything I ever did
All thoughts, ideas, and dreams
Have gone somewhere to stay
Outside of length, width, depth and time.

Just because we cannot see
Doesn’t mean it isn’t there
Beyond our limited vision
God’s dimension
And heavy with time.

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