Friday, August 13, 2010

Fast Horses

Fast Horses 08/13/2010

If I ever lived
Then it was in two different parts
One in which I felt safe
And one in which I die.

One half asleep
And one half awake
A part lost in daydreams
And a part witness to horror.

There is a beauty in destruction
And there is a comfort in disaster
Clinging to what matters
In the pursuit of immediate needs.

I’ve spent my time in both
But I am not yet ready to die
Still standing in the ruins
And ready to build once more.

Time slows down in horror
And time speeds up in love
Ready for something to happen
And ready for something to change

A fast horse doesn’t wait for directions
And a fast horse doesn’t stop at the fence
Ready to ride and ready to live
With blood in our hearts and wind in our hair.

At great speed
The past careens backwards
And the future rushes forward
The present becomes everything
Unstoppable and pure.

To live boldly requires courage
And to love requires risk
Jumping at just the right moment
And pausing in mid air.

The world slows down
And the silence is beautiful
Just for a second or two
Suspended in glory
Before the hoofs hit the ground
And we shout out with joy.

I am older
And I have learned
But I still love fast horses
And the freedom
To try.

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