Thursday, August 12, 2010

Killing Fear

Tumbledown 8/12/2010
At night the desert is like the moon
Out in the middle of nowhere and gone.
A lonely landscape left behind
Dusty, dark, hot and cold.

I have been to the desert
Sometimes for fun
And sometimes to hide
But the last time was different
And it took so very long.

I went to the desert
To kill a part of myself
The part that feels
And the part that wants.

It took so very long
An endless journey into the soul
Because sentimental dreams die hard
Harder than the realities
We would rather not see.

Up and down it all looks familiar
Because we have been there before
And we will be there again
Marching around the same lost memory
And never learning a thing.

It took so long
And how the months, days, and years passed
But still it hurts
And I guess it always will.

The tumbleweeds blow across the highway
And the night is blacker than death
Speeding down the highway
Alone on the moon and happy.

Don’t stop for long
Or you may never leave
Countless as the stars
A cold stark refection
Of eternity.

No longer is my face pinched in pain
Now it is deeper and hidden
And no longer do I weep
With my head in my hands
But still I remember.

The trees are few and gaunt
Even in summer they suffer
Even in the cities
And even by the streams.

They struggle and so do I
Against a world weighted by fear
Underneath the rocks
Dried, parched and bleeding.

A new man has emerged
Not as desperate as before
Tested, tried, and found wanting
Rising from the ashes
Seasoned but damaged
And wounded but walking.

Everything I was before is gone
And everything I had is lost
Left with nothing but my heart
As desolate as the prairie.

Show me your dreams
And tell me about the future
Because I have killed my past
But still need to smile.

There are promises left to keep
And there are other tests to come
People who need me
And God knows I need them.

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