Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The dawn of Ironscribe

I have enjoyed reading blogs for years but I have hesitated to start my own. It is hard to share such deeply personal thoughts and feelings but then again without sharing them they may be wasted.

Too many are silent and the world seems to teeter on the brink of madness. The very earth beneath our feet groans under the weight of deception, corruption, and horrible human suffering.

Evil is called good and good is called evil. Light is traded for darkness and so very many are deceived.

The very institutions we once revered and thought would last forever are corrupted and attacked. Our sacred institutions subtly undermined and thoses entrusted to protect us are strangely silent at best.

The constitution and individual liberty are sliently eroded without regard to the will of the people. And worst of all the sanctity of individual choice and salvation is being mocked and faces legislative attack.

The writing is on the wall but the silence is deafening.

I hope in my own small way to perhaps inspire some thought and action by those whose freedoms are under assault.


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