Thursday, August 30, 2018


Treasury               8/30/2018

There is no greater treasure
Than the human heart
The only thing you ever keep
By giving it away. 

A river we cross
By choice
Rather than a feeling
That we follow. 

A gift from God
That only grows with risk
More valuable with time
And weathered patina. 

A decision
We have made
With wisdom and perspective
Long awaited
Through storm and strife. 

Always understood
And always forgiven
The priceless treasure
Hidden in the mud.

Wasted on the world
Full of avarice and grasping
Debt slaves to a promise
Always elusive
And dangled in our eyes. 

Guard it
Even as you share it
A gift of great value
Uncorrupted and pure. 

For from the heart
All good flows outward
And endless river
Cold, clear, and clean..

Lock it away
Lest it be corrupted
A refuge in the storm
And a tower
In trial. 

This world
Takes everything
But in the end
The heart matters more. 

Strengthened by hardship
And burnished with patience
The long awaited grace
Full and beautiful. 

For the road
Of Least resistance
Surely leads to death
But a persistent climb
Provides contented peace.

So share it wisely
And let it not be wasted
Even when it hurts
And even when you lose.

Deep inside
And perfectly milled
The everlasting self
Perfect, immortal, and free.  

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