Thursday, August 23, 2018


Seasonings                                                8/23/2018

Some days are enough
To break your heart
The senseless stupidity of fools
And talking heads. 

Endlessly speculating
And endlessly spewing
Nothing but lies
And putrid propaganda. 

Of what price fame
And piles of money?
To lie and slander
Twist and accuse.

As if they believe
That what is omitted
Never happened
The daily carnage
Everywhere you look. 

Ambitious, empty
Amoral and evil
Anything for power
And privilege. 

Above the law
That they use against others
Shamelessly accusing
The innocent and good. 

They have murdered many
And they drink the blood of youth
More evil than we guess
And rotten to the core. 

Everything you see
Is exactly as planned
The disenfranchisement of millions
In sick and twisted hands.

It is not an accident
That the world is what it is
Long ago corrupted
By murder and deceit. 

The few over the many
Controlling all the money
And monopolizing the news
Laughing the debt slaves
But you and me. 

Kept in a cage
From cradle to grave
In debt to the banksters
And led by the nose. 

The light of the world
Like a light bulb in the darkness
Attracting insects from afar
And blotting out the sun. 

See them now
By foot, plane, and boat
Clamoring over each other
To rape, pillage, and steal. 

Jumping over fences
And running up the beaches
An invasion of hordes
To destroy and kill. 

Woe to them
Who have traded it away
Light for darkness
And good for evil. 

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