Thursday, August 9, 2018

55 Days

55 Days            8/9/2018

The days drag on
Down the hole
And around the corner
Minute after minute
And hour after hour. 

Life a journey
Born asleep
And waking up
In the smallest of degrees
Day by day.

The childish dreams
Are all but gone
But the magic of love
Burns forever. 

Much has been lost
By many over time
Headstone after headstone
Foot after foot
For nothing at all.

Centuries of deception
All come down to zero
The final countdown
Closer than we think. 

Secrets and lies
Told countless times
Will never be true
No matter how often said
Or how often used. 

In debt over our heads
And districted by horror
We dodge the bombs
And jump through hoops. 

Too tired to fight
And too poor to quit
Rats in the maze
Run till we drop. 

Evil lurks in the shadows
And evil murders at will
The evil soulless few
Bathing in blood. 

God only knows
All they have done
The imposters and parasites
Raging at the light.

See them lie
And see them scurry
Like roaches in the basement
Running to escape. 

Make no mistake
Who it is
And what they want
You and me dead
And gone forever. 

But here we are
Born in the nick of time
The first of the last
And last of the first. 

The few who still remember
The last glimpses of them
The world they destroyed
By omission and design. 

Now is the time
Before it’s too late
A time to choose
And decide. 

He will not
Force himself
So we must choose him
By name and request
The unshakeable faith

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