Thursday, September 6, 2018

Castle Lock

Castle Lock                       9/6/2018

Another day
And another night
I type out the words
In a stone castle. 

Nothing but a man
Born of mud
Growing up
Among the golden grain.

Winnowed in the heartland
The wheat from the chaff
The grain of life
Long forgotten
And blown away. 

I lost everything
But most important of all
I lost my fear
Because once you lose
And live
Anything is possible.
Gut shot and dead
Down in the ditch
Left with nothing
But memories
And choking on ash. 

It took me a long time
To find my own voice
The distinct gift
And not deserved. 

God is here
And he is alive
Burning in my heart
Ever since
I believed. 

It was then
That the future
Proved the past
When God plucked me out
And made me new!

By his grace
And by his love
Blessed beyond all
Victorious and free. 

No longer concerned
With the good opinion
Of mediocre men
And feeding on their hatred
As fuel for the soul. 

Awake and aware
Of everything I see
The culmination of decades
Of observation
And human behavior.    

He gave me a reason
And now you will find yours
And free. 

Willing to risk it all
Without seeing the end
Win or lose
Good still wins. 

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