Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Happening

The Happening             8/22/2018

Another day closer
To who, what or when
A colder kind of anger
Silent and determined.

We don’t need to speak
Because we all know the truth
In every blank stare
And every hateful act.

Man or beast
We all had the choice
Let loose upon the world
To do what we will. 

Look and see
All around you
And all around me
The truth outright
And unspoken. 

They think
If they don’t speak
Then it didn’t really happen
Focusing upon a lie
Ten thousand times over.  

Another may die
But yet another
Is awakened
To see what’s in store
For you and I. 

Blood runs in the street
In a frenzy of death
While cruelest of cowards
Worship Satan. 

Throats cut
And thrashing in pain
The dying moans
Of man and beast

They ride on high
Guilty and free
Forever excused
For unimaginable horror. 

Laughing at violence
And trivializing the dead
The hateful fools
On their way to the end. 

Yes another day closer
Creeping to the hour
Sudden swift
Terrible and true

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