Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Hellbent                      8/28/2018

Some have tried reason
But reasoning only works
With the good
And the reasonable. 

And some have argued
For decades on end
All of it wasted
On the demented
And the dumb. 

God sees you lying
And he also sees
You laughing
Those who belittle the dead
And the savagely murdered. 

In a world of words
One man is a lightning rod
All because he told the truth
And dared to question. 

But it is not him
Who they hate
For it is, what he defends
That they loathe. 

Burning inside out
With jealous rage
They hate the innocent
And the good. 

Ugly on the inside
And ugly on the outside
They hate beauty
And grace. 

There are no need for words
When we meet
For we all know well
The who, what, and why. 

Everything already said
And everything already tried
We stand at the ready
Eyes wide open.

It did not happen overnight
As we were all taught
To control our emotions
The long and winding path
Through memory and tears. 

There is nothing like reality
And there is nothing like the truth
Played out every day
Beyond the control 
Of liars. 

They can talk all day
And make their assertions
But words are not actions
And the world
Speaks for itself. 

In countless interactions
And in numberless occasions
We who are aware
Saw everything
We need to know. 

The mockers
Have had their say
And the parasitic elite
Well they have had
Their centuries.

Long ago usurping
Every institution
No matter how noble
And inspired. 

The future is here
And you can watch it
On another continent
Democratic theft
Legalized disarmament 
Murder and death.

Woe to him
Who laughs
And dances
Their time almost up
Revelation now
Generation zero. 

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