Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Slab Stone

Slab Stone  6/6/2018

I will never understand it
So foreign an act
That for which all the good
Are incapable
Unto death. 

Cut off
And cut loose
I dangled in the air
Struggling for a handhold
And staring at the guilty.

Suddenly stabbed
And pushed off the cliff
Looking upwards and backwards
At the shallow
And the cruel. 

How many are silent
Asleep in concrete tombs
Unable to speak
Or accuse. 

Come Lord
And let them all speak
Those who lived
And those who fell. 

Let it all come out
The price of their heads
All for someone’s false glory
And earthy desire. 

All their little gods
Will surely die
Upon your glorious return
Quick, certain
Beautiful and true. 

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