Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Door Nail

Door Nail                           6/26/2018

Dead as a door nail
Hanging from the nob
The calling card of Satan
For all who dare. 

At what price?
Did they seek power
And for what treasure?
Did they sell their soul.

Innocent and pure
The children of the lamb
Plucked out
And slaughtered
For power and fame. 

For a man without conscience
Nothing is below
Nor beyond
All things allowable
To get what you want.

Covered up
And covered over
They blame others
For what they have done.

Screaming and abusing
The honest and the truthful
The sick and demented
Beasts of the field.

So now is the time
To decide what you are
A predator or a protector
A murderer
Or a saint. 

Today as in all days
They show us
Who they are
For those that scream the loudest
Hide guilt in their heart. 

Hateful vicious
Jealous and vengeful
Burning up
With death in their eyes. 

For those who read
Know the final ending
Time is not
On their side. 

Victory assured
Even for the lost
And even
For the dead. 

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