Thursday, June 21, 2018

I looked

Look and See                     6/21/2018

Did you see it yet?
The undeniable pattern
Of reality
Staring at you
And staring at me. 

I heard it all
The greatest lies
Over and over again
But there was only
Just one problem

Experience is by far
The greatest lesson
We can learn
The repeated statistics
Over time. 

The more you see
The more you know
For those who bother
To seek
And see.

The beaten
And the bloodied
The raped
And the abused.

The dead eyes of hatred
Blank and soulless
Everywhere you look
Like predators
Searching for food. 

On the bus
And on the street
In every doorway
All the clerks
And all the drivers.

No one dares speak it
The horrible truth
All of it on purpose
And all of it by design. 

Violent fools
Are easily manipulated
Expendable foot soldiers
Who believe
What they are told. 

Useful as a shovel
To lie and steal
Outnumbering us all
And waiting to kill.  

Unable to question
And unwilling to learn
Acting out on primal emotion
Jealousy and hate. 

But if you are honest
Then you might also know
What it feels like to try
And lose. 

Burned by someone else’s fire
And nothing but ashes
On the floor
An unpleasant reminder
Of greed and betrayal. 

How many?
Have also gone
The same as them
And the same as me.

Alive and dead
On a three dimensional screen
The hopes and the dreams
Lost along the way. 

I belong somewhere else
A place that I hardly got to see
Sold for a song
Long ago
And far away. 

If only we knew
All that was at risk
Then maybe
We could have avoided
All that useless pain. 

I was found not worthy
And I was judged incomplete
A deeply flawed man
Weighed down
With raw emotion.

But I was so much more
Than even I ever knew
The broken healed
And the lowly

We who did not seek suffering
Had it come anyway
Crushed in the spirit
But raised up
By God. 

Ordinary people  
Will do extraordinary things
For with every disappointment
There is a greater opportunity. 

I did not know that then
For I had barely scratched the surface
The unintended accident
Of a million unrelated events. 

All of this comes together
To join us at last
The rag tag denizens
Of a world
Turned upside down. 

I am here
For a larger reason
And so also are you
The gift
And the gifted.

Take it now
And swallow it down
Deep inside
The spark
And the fire.

Let the good go on
Surviving till the end
No longer troubled
And no longer in tears. 

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