Thursday, June 7, 2018


Calendar                             6/7/2018

Feels like a million miles away
That place that I remember
Long ago and far away
But still just as close
As me to you
And you to me. 

It hurt
So I wrote
Still just as fresh
As it was yesterday. 

Stone cold as a picture
Framed in silver or gold
The forgotten moments
And forgotten people.

The greatest heroes
Live under death
So many of the good
Used up and wasted. 

Standing stones
That gave their all
Sacrificing them selves
For others men’s greed.

Hedging their bets
To finance the costs
And reaping bushels of blood
Upon the loyal
And the innocent.

What secrets did they die for
And what truth remains hidden
The good and the bad
Obscured by time. 

Agents provocateur
And secrets safely buried
Expendable people
Wasted on the way. 

Win or lose
It all worked out the same
Corrupted to the core
The snake at the center. 

They didn’t know
But they knew how to love
Spending their blood
To save
And protect. 

We go on
But they always remain
Asleep in the mud
Upon which they died.  

How long
Will it all go on
Justice delayed
The long way around. 

Full and overflowing
The treachery and deceit
Evil in high places
Wolves in sheep’s clothing
Lying every day. 

It’s almost time
But only the good
Can see it
The signs everywhere
Rotting on the trees. 

It will come out
And not just in pieces
All of it
Beginning to end
At first a trickle
And then a flood. 

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