Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Deep Down

Deep Down                 6/20/2018

Gutshot and down
Dead beneath the grass
Feet in the water
And anchored to the past. 

Time can be neither
Right nor wrong
Because good and also evil
Are changeless points
We follow,
Or we ignore.

Blood and lots of it
Dripping from the mouth
And especially the hands
The fiendish few
Sucking off the many. 

Numberless are the victims
Either old and undefended
Or young and vulnerable
Trafficked in all directions
For every kind of horror. 

Eating and drinking
The vampire and the cannibal
Their feet dipped in blood
And feasting in hell. 

They scream in public
And they cry crocodile tears
Gnashing their teeth
And hissing with hatred.

They hate you
And they hate me
Willing to use anyone
Just to get
What they want. 

Louder and louder
And ever more violent
All of it over money
And absolute power. 

Long ago sold
And long ago lost
Dead in the heart
And a slave to Satan. 

They cry out about the children
But they have murdered many
Wishing worse for me
And also for you. 

Let it all come out
The truth
And the whole truth
All of it
All the way back.  

Brought out
Into the light
And exposed for all
Burning forever
And remembered
No more.   

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