Friday, June 8, 2018

Over and Over

 1117                                          6/9/2018

Like all others
It was all written
In my heart
A numerical code
One against eternity. 

Bigger than the flesh
Through which we feel
Immersed in a world
Far from intended. 

A million miles away
That part of me that was
Long ago
Picked up
And plucked out.

My number was always
Over and over again
The significant events
Perfectly timed.

Minutes, days, and hours
I have fought the fight
Sometimes winning
And sometimes losing
But always for the right reasons
To keep me growing.

Ten months
And seventeen days
Eleven hours
And seventeen minutes
Seven times seven
In the midnight hour.

Dreams are dreams
But it was in them
That you found me
Picking me up
And letting me know.

I hear my fathers laugh
And I see my mothers heart
In all those around me
Perfect and free.

life eternal
in the center of the soul
The past and the future
Perfectly preserved.

All of it here
And all of it now
As long as one lives
One against a billion.

That is why
We are the hated
All of hell
Set against the few.

No matter where we are
And no matter what we did
All we must do
Is ask.

With all our heart
Body, mind, and soul
The spirit given
To the willing
And the true.

Ask for it all
And swallow it down
Ready for anything
And afraid of no one.

And all we knew
And all we were
Returned, reborn
Ten thousand times better

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