Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Flood Waters

Flood Waters    5/30/2018 

They who rob
A child of dignity
Will reap a harvest
In hell. 

And they who
Shame the injured
Shall doubly dying
Scream out in pain. 

Even words can hurt
And no amount of soap
Can wash clean
The damage of shame
And rejection. 

This and more
Many suffer
So who am I
To complain? 

But I can only write
What it is I know
That feeling upon my head
And unforgettable. 

We can either
Build each other up
Or we can tear
Us all apart 
Never knowing
All that might have been. 

She didn’t know all that I was
And she didn’t wait to try
Weighed, measured,
And hung out to dry. 

We had only just begun
But I was cut off
In the middle
Barely scratching the surface
Of all I could be.

And it was also then
That I was the wounded
Caught unaware
And cut in two.  

At my lowest moment
Mocked and provoked
As if some could gain pleasure
In cruelty
And suffering. 

I had only tried to save
While they sought to steal
Judged to be less
Than a  liar
And a thief.

Looking backwards
The words burned on the brain
I think about what it means
To lose or to gain. 

Head down and dying
We revisit the past
Always reminded
That we are less
And that we have lost. 

Every name
And every picture
Every post
And every thought. 

Deliberately erased
And forgotten
Abandoned by those
I loved and bathed. 

Who would do such a thing
Even to those they hated
Stripped of all dignity
And mired in shame. 

If a person must go
Than that is
What they do
But why would anyone
Humiliate and destroy. 

I paid the price
For others comfort
Taking on the burden
And obligations. 

Crushed under the weight
And left along the roadway
Nothing but a dirty tissue
Thrown out with the trash. 

But in time
We learn
And with living
We grow. 

Looking at the same day
From a million different angles
With the perspective of time
And prayer. 

Day in
And day out
Morning, noon,
And night.

Over and over gain
For what it seems like forever
The hours pass over
And the waters pass under.

Healing happens
But not in the way
I once thought
But slowly we see
And awaken. 

Everything has meaning
Even this
And even now
The test in and of itself
Growing us
From the inside out. 

I am free
Free to do anything
Unafraid of man
And all he thinks. 

Clean from guilt
And at peace with regret
All that I tried to save
And with all I lost. 

The Lord who set me free
Also is the judge
The last and the first to decide
Between anyone and me. 

Always there
With me under his wings
Lifting me up
At the just the perfect time. 

Loving me
When I hated myself
And healing every wound
Better than before. 

Soon enough
We will see
What it is that we felt
The truth bursting forth
In a rush of truth
And a flood of light.  


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