Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Banishment                                 5/30/2018

Tentacles reach out
And spread everywhere
All leading back
To the center of death. 

Slithering forth
And squeezing through
The ever searching evil
Looking for food. 

Feeding on the blood of innocents
And dining upon the flesh
Dutifully serving their master
In sacrificial ecstasy.

An open secret
Dangled before our eyes
But only for the seekers
And the searchers.

At the center of it all
You can see the terrifying truth
The same old pride,
Hatred and murder. 

The dumb go on
And the blind
Fumble in the dark
Led by the nose
Unto death. 

Prodded by punishment
And the threat of rejection
Herded into chutes
On their way to the end. 

But there are
Far worse things
Than banishment
Or loss of good opinions.

For what does it matter
If they hate me
Because they already do
And always have. 

Many a fool
Will still seek
The good graces
Of mediocre men. 

Let them go on
And let them ride high
For time waits for no one
And it won’t wait for them. 

Something far larger awaits
And it is in him
That I rely
And undefeated. 

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