Thursday, May 10, 2018

Three of Five

Three of Five     5/10/2018

Useless, Worthless
And tossed in the trash
With a mouthful of blood
And covered with ash. 

Why do we lick our wounds?
Over and over again
Just because we can
And keep it always bleeding. 

Picking at a scab
That never seems to heal
Another badge of  mortality
And human frailty. 

I feel it all
As I look back in anger
Over my shoulder
Down and away. 

Balefully putting on my armor
Piece by piece
Dead level determined
Come what may. 

I was humbled
And I was rejected
Publically humiliated
Every chance they had. 

But now it is over
And now the cost is clear
Free from the bondage
Of guilt and regret. 

Staring down
Head up and straight
No longer afraid
Of what I cannot see. 

Let them all waste
And let them all die
Flailing in their emptiness
And blind to the end. 

Just like the three monkeys
Sitting in a row
Dumb, blind, deaf
Deadwood and down. 

Out of the woods
And out of the valley
Free form the shadows
Dark and deathly. 

Their time will come
Surely as I breathe
So now I laugh
Even before
I see or know. 

Thanking God
For plucking me out
And bringing me home
Where all is authentic
And all is real. 

To be there
At the foot of the throne
Eye ablaze
At judgment
Solid, swift, and sure. 

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