Friday, May 18, 2018

1117 R

1117 R                                     5/18/2018

Far worse than you think
And more evil than you fear
The corrupt and soulless
Vomited up, from hell.

Corruption on a scale
That boggles the mind
Flushed out by truth
And exposed in the now.

Cornered evil
Survives by death
With always bigger bombs
To distract
And kill. 

The sheep see the fire
And the blind hear the screams
Glued to a television
And believing all they hear. 

But just because no one spoke
Doesn’t mean, that it did not happen
Resignations, and indictments
Massive and revealed. 

As predictable as the sun
The horrible carnage of lies
Created catastrophes
And diabolical solutions. 

Expose them all
Caught in the act
Frozen by the truth
With blood on their hands. 

Eleven hours
And seventeen minutes
Numbers on letters
Identified from birth. 

Years months and hours
It all boils down to this
The first of the last
And the last of the first. 

I have seen them also
Smug and self-assured
The gate keepers of power
Writhing in a mass. 

All of them connected
Like heads of the hydra
With tentacles into everything
And threatening everyone. 

This is the moment
That separates us all
The fools who will not see
And the good
Who believe. 

Cut the snake head
And stomp it under your heel
Crushed again
As it always was before. 

He is coming
Just like he promised
The longsword of truth
Cutting through
And cutting down. 

The truth is out there
And burning in the sky
The blood crying out
From the earth

Let every liar lie
And do so till the end
Caught up in their traps
That they laid for us. 

Right here and right now
This is the reason
That we were born
Far stronger than them
In faith and love. 

Stand up
And stand strong
Dead level and true
Me with you
And you with I. 

For what we do
And where we go
All the good must follow
One and many
Loyal and true. 

Watch and listen
But carefully consider
Who it is you follow
Now more than ever
Only the good can see.

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