Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Snake Pit

Snake Pit             5/29/2018

It is a silent war
That no one dares to acknowledge
Fought largely without weapons
Yet none the less
More deadly than guns. 

A silent siege
Waged against
The unknowing
Slowly but surely
Killing us all. 

Chipping away
At our last shred of dignity
And cutting away
Identity and strength. 

Cutting out from under
And penalizing every effort
The self-flagellating tools
Everywhere you look. 

Every sector
And every institution
Simultaneously infiltrated
And weaponized.

Every day
In every way
The weight of the world
Crushing down
A certain people
And a certain faith. 

Once you see it
You cannot look away
The obvious angle
In every possible medium.

Make no mistake
The snake head speaks
For all who have sold their souls
Swallowed down and dead. 

The truth silenced
And the good punished
All for telling the truth
Over and over again. 

Can you feel the teeth
All around your neck
All over but for a miracle
The good and the great. 

A few stand
Now watch how they are punished
While others go on
With blood on their hands. 

Lord, let it all come out
The whole horrible truth
The truly evil
And truly hateful. 

The murderers in our midst
And the snake in the pit
Exposed for all eternity
The truth we always knew
Deep in the heart. 

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