Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Bread Basket

Bread Basket                     5/16/2018

Like dropping bread crumbs
Along our path
The tiniest morsels of truth
Out of the mouths of prophets
Come the words of God. 

I was born asleep
But I woke up in stages
A little more each day
The long way around. 

But it is a far better thing
To love and to lose
Than it is to stay asleep
Safe inside a shell. 

It is not about the suffering
Because even that is temporary
But rather about opportunity
And what you make it. 

Fear is the only thing
That keeps us in the dark
As we cling to the shadows
Familiar and safe. 

But as with all things
Stretching out has its risks
But even then
Most of it
Is in our head. 

Evil wants us afraid
And evil wants us blind
Unable to see
And unable to grow. 

It is all out there
Both the good
And the evil
But only for the seekers
Bold enough to know. 

Bit by bit
And grain by grain
We gobble them up
Food for the soul. 

Search it
And seek it
And unafraid.

The glorious truth
Like water from a rock
Life to the good
But a terror
To the damned. 

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