Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Fish Fry

Fish Fry                 10/31/2017

Inside out
Deadside and down
Sunken under
Lost and found. 

Voices are muffled
When filtered through water
Distant as time
Frozen below. 

I see them
And they see me
Years ago
And far away. 

The secrets remain
But closer they come
Revealed by the dots
In the deepest brain. 

We knew it
When we saw it
And there is no going back
The hidden link
Shinning in the dark.  

Like a silver fish
Flopping on the sand
All that we missed
The first time around. 

The connection is made
And then we know
All that we had missed
Half a life
In the dark.

It is then
That we look backwards
And gaze across memories
At last able to grasp
Every single lie. 

Long ago
Primed and loaded
The end game
Is played out
Dark and horrific.

But even now
They tremble in fear
That the hearts of the good
Have begun to stir.

A long time coming
The terrible truth
Deduced through logic
And decades
Of deception. 

Filtered through
Instinctual patience
And long tolerated
Well past due. 

Simmering beneath
The surface
As long as there was doubt
The horrific intentions
Of evil men. 

All masks have fallen
And now we see
The obvious plan
Dead level simple
Straight through the heart.

Their time is coming
And now they know it to
Desperately clinging
To the same old lies.

See them now
Resort to hatred
Exploding into violence
And ridiculous slander. 

Not yet complete
But closer every day
When light overcomes darkness
In a single
Glorious hour.

Come quickly
As quiet as a thief
Lest even the evil
See and escape. 

Twice dead
By truth and action
The hidden revealed
Final and certain. 

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