Thursday, October 5, 2017


Sideline                 10/5/2017

It’s not enough
And it never will be
Truth hidden
And poorly disguised. 

The good murdered
And evil excused
All of it obvious
And delivered on cue. 

Creating crises
With predetermined solutions
All pointing the same direction
Ever tightening the grip
On you and also me. 

Hidden and protected
They remain
Above and immune
Hiding in their castles
Smug and condescending. 

Feeding all their parasites
Off our carcass
The many and the dumb
Breeding like disease. 

And woe to any
That dare speak
The truth
That it is us
Who are the hated

Ugly, dumb
And violent
The cowardly fake heroes
Worshipped over nothing
Nothing at all.

Soon to be gone
And no doubt forgotten
Savaging the hands that fed them
Over and over again. 

The truth is coming
And it is coming soon
Sooner than they think
Sudden and complete. 

And all that was hidden
And all that was fake
Each and every fraud
And each and every hoax. 

All of us accountable
For what we really deserve
And all of us forgiven
Or doubly condemned. 

Watch them now
All fall apart
Exposed for what
They always were
Snakes in the grass. 

Stomped at last
When the world falls apart
Off script
And off the plan. 

When all the planning
And all the plotting
Turns to dust
Blown away in an instant
Total and complete. 

So let them all go on
And gnash their teeth
Always blaming others
For what they themselves
Have done. 

The voiceless shall rise
And so also the murdered
The truly strong
And the truly gifted. 

The real king
Shall yet come
All shall kneel
The worthy
And the dumb. 

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