Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Ramblers                        10/4/2017

Con men are gamblers
Often and also
Swindlers are the run
Always stealing to fill
The gaping emptiness within. 

They think
They are smart
And how they love
To boast
Anything to win
And anything to steal. 

Should have seen it coming
The unimaginable threat
Coming from such an empty void
Deceptively cunning
And evil to the core.

Placing bet after bet
They live off of misery
Stealing anything they can
With empty promises. 

Always on the move
And always on the make
They will take any risk
Without a conscience
And without a soul. 

Hands under the table
And eyes on the prize
You won’t see it coming
Until the damage is done. 

Cut off
And cut down
All for money
Or power. 

Hunched over the table
They think they are immune
Counting the cards
And guess the odds. 

Doubled down
And doubled over
They will raise the stakes
Ever higher
Rather than learn
Or grow. 

Using others
They pretend to be
Who they want
Eternal victims
And martyrs. 

Lying with ease
And killing with glee
They love only themselves
Selfish, shallow,
And dumb. 

Friendship means nothing
And love is only a word
A means to an end
And a trophy
To covet. 

Ingratiating themselves
And soliciting for secrets
Anything and everything
Useful for gain. 

Changing any allegiance
For a few dollars more
Destroying friends and family
For position
And prestige. 

Behold the criminal
Slithering in
And slithering out
Hiding in the shadows
And always watching
For more. 

They have killed many
And they have destroyed much
Swift and sudden
Vacuous and cruel. 

Whispering in your ear
With a knife
Behind your back. 

Running all day
And running all night
For a long time coming
Betting it all to win
Or die in a fire. 

Beware one of many
Evil in and evil out
Unleashed by frustration
And limited time. 

Come Lord
And vanquish them all
At last to answer
For each and every
Unspeakable crime. 

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