Thursday, October 26, 2017

Curtain Call

Curtain Call                10/26/2017

Sometimes you win
And sometimes
You are losing
But there has never been
A better time
For living and for choosing. 

Outside our window
Everything is there
Visible to anyone
Who opens their eyes. 

In the darkness
We did not know
And much has been hidden
From you
And from me.

A few phone calls away
The wall of silence
Led the way
Controlling everything
We saw
And heard. 

But who among us
Ever bothered to see
The reality in our streets
Then and now. 

The curtain is torn
And now we can see
The men with the levers
Exposed at last
And ever more desperate.

Should have known
All along
As obvious as the sun
One decade
After another. 

Strung along
By a suicidal cabal
Hell bent for destruction
Doubled up
And doubled down. 

And how many
Were ruined
Along the way
Vilified and voiceless
Covered up
And covered over. 

Lost to time
And hidden in the past
The great unspoken
That no one
Dare shall speak. 

And what of
The lost?
Those who did the work
And built the world
Gone in an instant
And forgotten. 

Choose them
And keep
The fire burning
Standing in remembrance
To those who came
And are not. 

Beyond the veil
We live by appearance
Playing out a game
Unable to see
The source
Or the code.

Nothing hidden
And no longer
In doubt
The times
Of all times
To seek
And know. 

The wind blows
Through the window
Flung open for a time
We cannot determine. 

But here it is
For you and for me
The truth of sunlight
For all who yet
May know and see. 

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