Wednesday, November 1, 2017

If we never

If we never               11/1/2017

If you haven’t been forgotten
Then how can you ever
Truly remember?
What it feels like to try
And what it feels like to lose. 

If you were never a friend
Then you might not remember
What it feels like to be betrayed
And die in the rain.

And If I had not truly loved
With all of my heart
Then I would still be blind
Never once broken
And gasping for breath. 

And we had not been poor
The we could never be rich
With holes in our heels
And holes in our teeth. 

And how could I forgive
If I had never been accused
Watched for every flaw
And savaged with lies. 

If you have never robbed
Then it is hard to receive
The undeserved blessing
Of glorious contentment. 

To know a true victory
Then you must also
Know defeat
The bitter agony of loss
And drowning in blood. 

And if a man should grow
Then he must also pay
Either now or later
The debt of his errors
Through humility and truth. 

For nothing is worse
Than to win by deceit
Further and further away
From introspection
And shame.

Coddled at every point
As only the weak receive
The masters of manipulation
And swindling greed. 

With never any use
For questioning or forgiveness
Giving only to receive
And loving only to steal. 

Rewarded for evil
And persistently duplicitous
The swindler will keep swindling
Until the very end. 

Let them go on
And let them go deep
Pulling at the slack
For all that they can. 

Farther and farther from you
And farther and farther from me
Blind to God
Fully guilty
And doubly dead

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