Monday, October 16, 2017

Single File

Single File               10/16/2017

Single file
Through the trail
Lost in the silence
And Piedmont splendor. 

Over and around
We meandered through
Around the lake
Thick with trees
And mystery. 

Mostly green
And sprinkled
With gold
The leafy canopy
Dripping with dew. 

Hanging in the air
Are my thoughts
One foot
In front of the other
And lost in dreams.

A small wisp of time
Nothing but a vapor
Gone before you know it
Endlessly flowing
Over our heads
And under our feet. 

At campsite
We gathered
Round the fire
Laughing and listening
To time honored

Of passages made
And experiences gained
The oaths of those
Who came before
Passed on
One to another. 

The words of the poets
Stirred in each
Blood and sinew
As we sat on logs
Watching embers
Rise and fall. 

Another weekend come
And another day down
Deep in thought
Adrift in the world. 

Anger and heartbreak
Frustration and despair
All of it happens
Together or alone.

But we have this
And we have the word
Springing forth
From parts unseen
And unheard. 

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