Friday, April 28, 2017

Two Decades

Twenty One Years                    4/28/2017

Things were different then
And I lived with an urgent intensity
And everything I felt and saw
Was exciting, vivid, and raw. 

The highs and the lows
Tossed me about
As if a stormy sea
And I felt ever swell
Sweet and salty.

But with time
Things change
And if we are lucky
We grow to understand
Discerning wisdom
From recklessness and fear. 

I didn’t know
And I hadn’t learned
The value of patience
And the power of prayer.

Unaware of the perfection
That sometimes means
Saying nothing at all
Listening rather than speaking
And accepting
What we can’t control.

With time and distance
We can examine the scars
And see from the burns
Where we flew too high.

It is then we begin
The journey
Of the long night of the soul
And see stimuli, perception
And reaction. 

Some times
We make mistakes
And sometimes
Others do as well. 

But how we take it
Looms ever larger
That what is done
Or said. 

As we become
Ever more mindful
Of all possible perspectives
And limitless potentialities. 

That is the victory
The day we turn it over
Taking all the pain
And flipping it over!   

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