Monday, April 24, 2017


Starfire                     4/24/2017

Sometimes memories
They are just too heavy to lift
And dreams well
They are only dreams.

Nothing but dazzling snowflakes
Spinning in our imagination
Gossamer perfection
Too perfect to touch.

Half asleep
And half awake
The words come
Even though I forget
Before I write them down.

Beauty is everywhere
But only the mindful
Can see
The gifts of God
Pure, perfect and free.

I have had it all
And I have lost
More than I remember
But what we have is precious
And irreplaceable. 

There is a reason
That the words flow
And there is also a reason
That they are read. 

Larger than me
And larger than the world
The gift spreading outwards
In ten thousands directions. 

Welling up inside
We must let them out
Even if we never see
Any impact
Or meaning. 

God knows
And he will make us full
One day all of us
Feasting forever. 

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