Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Over Pass

The Over Pass                 4/13/2017

I remember the colors
Vivid and surreal
Technicolor memories
Of a world
Long gone by. 

A time of excitement
And also of hope
When everything seemed possible
And not mired
In the status quo. 

At least that is the way
It seemed
To my thoughts coming up
Before my worries about nothing
Clouded my eyes. 

If only I had known
Just how precious it was
And if only I had been awake
To appreciate every nuance.  

I barely knew at all
The people and the places
All of it flashing by
In a kaleidoscope of time. 

I was only scratching the surface
And I was only marking time
Sleeping in a cocoon
Unaware and dumb.

I had everything that mattered
And I had all kinds of love
But I understood nothing
And appreciated even less.

I missed all the warnings
And I missed a lot of chances
Squandered out of foolishness
And fear.

Riding my emotions
And angry over nothing
I lived without thinking
About consequences
And burdens. 

Never fully grasping
Until it was too late
That what is not paid now
Will be paid later
Doubled up
And doubled down. 

Now at the crossroads
I can see where
I have been
At last fully aware
Of the folly
And loss. 

I cannot get it back
So now I must
Turn it over
Taking it all in
And crushing it to powder.

Without suffering
There is no growth
And without loss
All victory is empty.

Glory is the prize
And no greater is the goal
To finish the fight
Good, loyal,
And defiant!

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