Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Snake in the grass

Snake in the grass    4/11/2017

Words are not enough
And they never will be
That a life can be wasted
In the blink of an eye. 

The good are battered
And the innocent bludgeoned
Even by those they loved
And nurtured. 

They lived
And they died
Across the street
And three houses down. 

A white house
With black shutters
Immaculately kept
Winter, summer, and fall. 

I saw her mow the lawn
And I saw him stain the porch
Tending the flowers
And swimming at the pool. 

Among the first to greet me
When I moved on the street
All those years ago
Over and under
And down the drain. 

The kids played in the snow
Innocent and fragile
Captured in photographs
Frozen in time. 

My life fell apart
And I got divorced
Falling forever
And losing the house. 

It took a long time
But I ended up returning
This time across the pond
In brick and mortar rental.

When I read it
I could hardly believe it
Shaking my head
And rubbing my eyes. 

Evil found them
From one they loved
Long held
And lost to the world.

Falling in and falling out
Many are misguided
Enthralled by chemicals
And casual crime.   

Sleeping with snakes
And forgetting who they were
Returning with hatred
And ghastly violence. 

Let them rest
In your arms
Instantly healed
In perfect peace. 

Free from the confines
And innocent of mistakes
Pardoned forever
In paradise.

But let the guilty suffer
Ten times
What they dealt
Burning and burning
Never to rest
And never at peace.

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