Thursday, March 30, 2017


Poison                                          3/30/2017

Drink it down
Deep and satisfying
From the foam
To the dregs
Cold and creamy. 

Look at it now
And savor every drop
The world as it is
Slouching downward
Stumbling drunk.

The blood of the good
Saturates the earth
Heavily watered
And deeply sown.

Rising up
Knee deep in death
The guilty laugh
Hidden behind walls.

We who have seen
Know that they are liars
Sacrificing many
For another minute of power.

Long planned
And methodically executed
All of us sold out
In a managed decline. 

Herding us in circles
As they snicker
In their castles
Just waiting for us to dwindle
Roll over and die.

But it is they
Who will drink the poison
The one they brewed for us
Eternally dying
Every last minute
And every last drop. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Face to Face

Face to Face  3/29/2017

Worthless as a bug
Splattered on a window
Cut off mid flight
In the middle of nowhere. 

Wasted chasing after something
There never meant a thing
Just a whole lot of nothing
Wasted on the way. 

Moving fast
We hardly notice
A thing
All our lives
Nothing but a blur.

Chasing memories
We pass by   
All the old houses
Witnesses to
A crumbling past. 

Weather-beaten tombs
Long ago abandoned
As all of us
Move, give up
And die. 

Some laugh at the loss
Gloating at the pain
While others pick at the scabs
Just to make it bleed. 

Hot and stifling is the air
Weighing down the rooftops
Sagging porches
And peeling columns. 

I have seen them all
And haunted many a dream
Climbing up the stairs
And wandering the halls.

When it all falls down
Will anyone remember
All who lived
And tried.

A new day has come
And we blink in the sun
Stunned by the change
Long ago planned
Predictable and dumb.

Corrupted within
And overwhelmed with numbers
A staggering giant
With millions
Of ticks. 

Stumbling forward
And unable to breath
Hunted on every corner
And thwarted in every way. 

The world wakes up
To see its own ending
What many have known
But no one opposed. 

See them all talk
And see them all argue
All of it a joke
And all of it staged.

I shook the hand
Of a man who shook the hand
And I also have stared
Death in the eyes. 

Give the good man
A cover
Standing in the gap
Against the many
And the proud. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Scrutiny       3/28/2017

Violent but not courageous
The teeming vermin
Eating us up
From the inside out. 

We wait
And we wait
But nothing every changes
Dying a little more
Each and every day.

Two weeks in Carolina
Hundreds of miles
From the city to an island
Arcing in a circle
All over and back again.

If I did not know
It wouldn’t change a thing
That some people seethe
And stew in their bile.

Credentialed but not credible
They stare with their eyes
Searching for a kink
To exploit
And to murder. 
But wouldn’t we be great
If we could just live
Loving people enough
To scrutinize ourselves.

Letting others be
Whether they like us
Or not
Together or separate
Free to live
And thrive.

But woe to him
Who cannot move on
Always jealous
And filled with hate.

Judging many
With no proof of all
And laughing at murder
Shrieking with delight. 

Blot them out
And close up their mouths
Forever forgotten
And burned away. 

Thursday, March 9, 2017


Screamers     3/9/2017

We see the earth
But not the secrets
We buried
And we see the sky
But not beyond the veil.

We who have lived
Also have guessed
What lies above
And beyond. 

Knowing only in part
And experiencing only a sliver
Nothing but a glimpse
Short as a puff of smoke.

We sense it
In a gust of wind
The kind that comes in summer
Full on the face.

And we dream it
In our sleep
The great deep untouchable
So real
Yet formless and remote.

Taught to disbelieve
And herded like animals
Punished and stung
Until we comply. 

Duped into an orthodoxy
That was never true at all
As we all nod our head
Along with the crowd.

Huddled together
While the dissenters
Are removed
Their reputations ruined
And livelihood destroyed.

Latching on to every lie
They hope against hope
The foolish, and the compromised
The paid, and the cruel. 

Unquestioned and unpunished
Protected and rude
The willing participants
Of civilizational suicide.

Destroying in a few generations
What took millennia to build
All of it avoidable
And all of it dumb. 

See them conspire
And trace every murder
Any who would dare
Expose the truth.

But now it is different
And now we have learned
Even though we are outnumbered
And even though
We are accused. 

Dehumanized, diluted
Debilitated and destroyed
The controlled decline
Of many
By the arrogant
And the cruel. 

Even now you can see
And even now you can feel
The circling demons
Shouting with glee.

Never giving up
And never giving in
Just waiting for us to tire
Or fall asleep. 

Boasting about a future
When they know
That they can win
Even while we know
How this story ends. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Dead Level

Dead Level    3/8/2017

She left her clothes
In the drawers
And her letters in a bag
All of it severed
And all of it gone.

The air and the dust
Became heavier
And my throat dryer
Ever since that day
Many miles ago. 

I didn’t want to say goodbye
Even if I knew
There was no choice
A strange and painful feeling
Haunting my memory.    

She got the clean slate
But I got the ghosts
Roaming through the house
Rattling the knobs
And climbing the stairs.

I slept with her sweater
Until her scent was gone
Even though it was useless
And even though it hurt. 

The past is ever present
Even if banished from our minds
And that is something
I never mastered
Out of place
And out of time. 

For her it was easy
Just another page
And just another chapter
One character killed
And another added.

These are the things
That we do not know
The other part of emotion
We cannot see
Or understand.

Cut off from view
In a walled off estate
Viewed only through dense shrubs
And guarded by dogs. 

It all goes on
And she smiled
As if nothing had happened
Even when I was doubled over
Haunted by her ghosts.

In the end, I was dead
And naked in the morgue
Staring up with lifeless eyes
And covered by a sheet.

Nothing but a nuisance
To be fleeced
And used
A mere beast of burden
Sold for a song.

To look backwards now
Is to know the foolish loss
Angry at the potential
Wasted on the way.

The worlds wobbles
And life goes on
Long after we have given up
And twist in the wind.

They go through the motions
And pretend that they are good
Pious before the world
But cruel to the loved.

I really did try
And I really did pray
But even then, I was asleep
And not fully mindful
Of my own emotions.

The world is fractured
And the world groans
Under the weight
Staggered by the loss
By deception and hate. 

Today I have decided
That I will finish it strong
Choosing love 
Even if it hurts
Every single day. 

Staring down
Dead level ahead
Protected by faith
And guarded by prayer.