Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Jump Room

Jump Room                                                 2/28/2017

Babies play with Angels
And toddlers talk to ghosts
But I just have dreams
Far away
And full of possibility.   

There is much
That is hidden
But not in the ways
That we are told.

Erased in the night
By devious pretenders
The forbidden truth
Given by God
To the few
And the good. 

Scrubbed away
And chiseled down
By the envious
And the hateful. 

Insulted and replaced
Accused and shamed
All for a lie
That only grows
Bigger every day. 

Doubled down
And tripled over
The mountain of deceit
Sitting on a fault
Unstable and steep.

We who have lived
Have also seen
Unmistakable truth
And obvious fools.

Sappers in the wire
Destroying all they can
Just for a paycheck
And a slap on the back.

Fake people
Predictable and flat
Altogether meaningless
Thoughtless and dumb.

All of them parrots
Paid to shriek
And paid to lie
Pretending not to know
That we all jump
And die.   

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