Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Deadwood Dairy

Deadwood Dairy                2/28/2017

Some love themselves
Far far too much
But others want to die
And slowly kill themselves.

Me I never knew
And never felt comfortable enough
Unable to decide
If I should stay
Or go.

I drifted with the tide
Like so many others
Floating with the deadwood
And bobbing in the waves.

I tried
And I prayed
But it was just not enough
No matter how hard I wept
I could not change the tide.

Pitted by time
And buffeted by the storm
Washed up on the sand
Bleached and empty. 

What good is wisdom
To the impossible odds
Nothing but a teardrop
In an ocean of lies. 

I did not feel worthy
And I did not feel of use
An easily discarded
Piece of refuse.

And what good is love
For the broken hearted
That even though they learn
They ache with every breath.

Forgotten and erased
Many are abused
Violently attacked
And hastily replaced.

Publically humiliated
And taunted every day
The good often tortured
In any way they can.

For evil cares not only to win
But also to kill
Destroy and steal
Replacing all that was good
With all that is false. 

They hurt me bad
And they cut me deep
Chumming a trail in the waters
A lifeless white heap.

But only God
Can make a tree
And only God
Can change the day.

Finding me as I was
And loving me
As I am
Growing from nothing
A bigger heart
And finer fruit.

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