Friday, February 24, 2017


Ditched                2/24/2017

Spring, Summer, or fall
Winter passes over
As days turn into weeks
And weeks
Into years.

We walk through a soup
Caustic and cruel
Wearing us out
And wearing us down.

All of it unnecessary
And all of it dumb
Predestined to die
Deluded and deceived 
By a mountain of lies.

All but for a reason
I may never know
The sun woke me up
Asleep in my dreams.

Showing me the wrongs
That I had never seen
Lost by omission
Or deliberate

Covered over
And covered up
As if they never happened
And as if
No one knew. 

Dead evidence
Bulldozed away
Covered in a ditch
And forgotten.

Eyes gouged out
And stabbed countless times
Murdered without mention
And blamed without remorse.

The beasts run wild
And are spread far and wide
Knowingly released
To predate and murder.

He comes with a sword
But the sword
Is not in vain
The truth at once
Beautiful and glaring.

Woe to him
That covers his face
Preferring darkness to light
And the comfort
Of lies. 

All they ever had to do
Was to look and see
No matter how uncomfortable
And burning. 

But blessed is he
Who walks into the den
And bold.

Even if wounded
And even if attacked
Willing to endure
For the greater
Of the whole.

We hold on
To many people
And places
But now I am let them go
In perfect peace.

Search, seek
And always pray
That God will find
Us worthy
Even though we slept
And forgot.

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