Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Fish Fry

Fish Fry                 10/31/2017

Inside out
Deadside and down
Sunken under
Lost and found. 

Voices are muffled
When filtered through water
Distant as time
Frozen below. 

I see them
And they see me
Years ago
And far away. 

The secrets remain
But closer they come
Revealed by the dots
In the deepest brain. 

We knew it
When we saw it
And there is no going back
The hidden link
Shinning in the dark.  

Like a silver fish
Flopping on the sand
All that we missed
The first time around. 

The connection is made
And then we know
All that we had missed
Half a life
In the dark.

It is then
That we look backwards
And gaze across memories
At last able to grasp
Every single lie. 

Long ago
Primed and loaded
The end game
Is played out
Dark and horrific.

But even now
They tremble in fear
That the hearts of the good
Have begun to stir.

A long time coming
The terrible truth
Deduced through logic
And decades
Of deception. 

Filtered through
Instinctual patience
And long tolerated
Well past due. 

Simmering beneath
The surface
As long as there was doubt
The horrific intentions
Of evil men. 

All masks have fallen
And now we see
The obvious plan
Dead level simple
Straight through the heart.

Their time is coming
And now they know it to
Desperately clinging
To the same old lies.

See them now
Resort to hatred
Exploding into violence
And ridiculous slander. 

Not yet complete
But closer every day
When light overcomes darkness
In a single
Glorious hour.

Come quickly
As quiet as a thief
Lest even the evil
See and escape. 

Twice dead
By truth and action
The hidden revealed
Final and certain. 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Curtain Call

Curtain Call                10/26/2017

Sometimes you win
And sometimes
You are losing
But there has never been
A better time
For living and for choosing. 

Outside our window
Everything is there
Visible to anyone
Who opens their eyes. 

In the darkness
We did not know
And much has been hidden
From you
And from me.

A few phone calls away
The wall of silence
Led the way
Controlling everything
We saw
And heard. 

But who among us
Ever bothered to see
The reality in our streets
Then and now. 

The curtain is torn
And now we can see
The men with the levers
Exposed at last
And ever more desperate.

Should have known
All along
As obvious as the sun
One decade
After another. 

Strung along
By a suicidal cabal
Hell bent for destruction
Doubled up
And doubled down. 

And how many
Were ruined
Along the way
Vilified and voiceless
Covered up
And covered over. 

Lost to time
And hidden in the past
The great unspoken
That no one
Dare shall speak. 

And what of
The lost?
Those who did the work
And built the world
Gone in an instant
And forgotten. 

Choose them
And keep
The fire burning
Standing in remembrance
To those who came
And are not. 

Beyond the veil
We live by appearance
Playing out a game
Unable to see
The source
Or the code.

Nothing hidden
And no longer
In doubt
The times
Of all times
To seek
And know. 

The wind blows
Through the window
Flung open for a time
We cannot determine. 

But here it is
For you and for me
The truth of sunlight
For all who yet
May know and see. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Single File

Single File               10/16/2017

Single file
Through the trail
Lost in the silence
And Piedmont splendor. 

Over and around
We meandered through
Around the lake
Thick with trees
And mystery. 

Mostly green
And sprinkled
With gold
The leafy canopy
Dripping with dew. 

Hanging in the air
Are my thoughts
One foot
In front of the other
And lost in dreams.

A small wisp of time
Nothing but a vapor
Gone before you know it
Endlessly flowing
Over our heads
And under our feet. 

At campsite
We gathered
Round the fire
Laughing and listening
To time honored

Of passages made
And experiences gained
The oaths of those
Who came before
Passed on
One to another. 

The words of the poets
Stirred in each
Blood and sinew
As we sat on logs
Watching embers
Rise and fall. 

Another weekend come
And another day down
Deep in thought
Adrift in the world. 

Anger and heartbreak
Frustration and despair
All of it happens
Together or alone.

But we have this
And we have the word
Springing forth
From parts unseen
And unheard. 

Thursday, October 5, 2017


Sideline                 10/5/2017

It’s not enough
And it never will be
Truth hidden
And poorly disguised. 

The good murdered
And evil excused
All of it obvious
And delivered on cue. 

Creating crises
With predetermined solutions
All pointing the same direction
Ever tightening the grip
On you and also me. 

Hidden and protected
They remain
Above and immune
Hiding in their castles
Smug and condescending. 

Feeding all their parasites
Off our carcass
The many and the dumb
Breeding like disease. 

And woe to any
That dare speak
The truth
That it is us
Who are the hated

Ugly, dumb
And violent
The cowardly fake heroes
Worshipped over nothing
Nothing at all.

Soon to be gone
And no doubt forgotten
Savaging the hands that fed them
Over and over again. 

The truth is coming
And it is coming soon
Sooner than they think
Sudden and complete. 

And all that was hidden
And all that was fake
Each and every fraud
And each and every hoax. 

All of us accountable
For what we really deserve
And all of us forgiven
Or doubly condemned. 

Watch them now
All fall apart
Exposed for what
They always were
Snakes in the grass. 

Stomped at last
When the world falls apart
Off script
And off the plan. 

When all the planning
And all the plotting
Turns to dust
Blown away in an instant
Total and complete. 

So let them all go on
And gnash their teeth
Always blaming others
For what they themselves
Have done. 

The voiceless shall rise
And so also the murdered
The truly strong
And the truly gifted. 

The real king
Shall yet come
All shall kneel
The worthy
And the dumb. 


Punchy      10/5/2017

Let the slack fall
Running deep
And running long
Exposing all
And swallowed down. 

Straight as a razor
The truth is a straight line
Held in the hand of evil men
Cutting in
And cutting off. 

As predictable as the sun
The blame and the cure
Always pointing back
To what they want

Nothing but sheep
Led by the nose
Never looking up
To see
And know. 

Doubled down
And tripled over
The stakes are raised
Higher and higher.

Emboldened by the silence
Evil men conspire
Anything to win
In a cataclysm of fire. 

Beastly predators
Always crouch in the brush
Sprinting up
From behind
And below. 

Killing the unsuspecting
And undefended
Fill with hate
And bottomless cruelty. 

Fake heroes
And fake glory
Elevated on purpose
Violent and dumb. 

Turn them off
And watch you back
Opening your eyes
To the truth
Behind the glass. 

Always ugly
And always jealous
Burning with hatred
Allowed to win
Over and over again.

Red October
A hundred years or more
A coalescence of beasts
Joined by
A mutual contempt.

But the power of lies
Is already fading
Because no one believes
What they know
Is not true. 

The time is nigh
And the door knob rattles
Not a minute too soon
For the good
And the damned.