Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Early Spring

Early Spring     2/28/2017

Another day in
And another day out
Turning on a hairpin
And twisting in circles.

Every day is the same
And we are trapped
In the same beginning
Always falling backwards
Just before sunrise.

Cats in a box
Fighting through a maze
Unable to escape
And dying over and over again.

Living through
An ever tightening vise
Of diminishing options
And predictable possibilities.

If we could live it over
What is it
That we would change
As useless then
As we are now. 

We always long
For what we cannot have
And we always covet
The ones that got away.

All that we lose
And all that we forget
Open ended and awkward
Improperly closed
Abrupt and ajar.

For me it’s a fragment
An irregular piece
Lodged in my throat
Unable to pass
Down or up
In or out. 

I thought I could win
And I thought I could bask
In the warm glow of acceptance
And blissful comfort.

It’s not like
I did not try
I did what I could
But it was far too little
And far too late. 

Win or lose
What are we to say
That some cruel
And others kind
Any day and either way. 

Water flows under our feet
And much of it has passed
Under the bridge
And out to sea.

But even now
Many cannot rest
Always seeking
And always proving. 

Empty vessels
That will never be filled
No matter how much they have
Or how much they steal. 

The soulless cipher
Let him choke on it now
Doubly dead
Gone forever
As if he never
Lived at all.   

Deadwood Dairy

Deadwood Dairy                2/28/2017

Some love themselves
Far far too much
But others want to die
And slowly kill themselves.

Me I never knew
And never felt comfortable enough
Unable to decide
If I should stay
Or go.

I drifted with the tide
Like so many others
Floating with the deadwood
And bobbing in the waves.

I tried
And I prayed
But it was just not enough
No matter how hard I wept
I could not change the tide.

Pitted by time
And buffeted by the storm
Washed up on the sand
Bleached and empty. 

What good is wisdom
To the impossible odds
Nothing but a teardrop
In an ocean of lies. 

I did not feel worthy
And I did not feel of use
An easily discarded
Piece of refuse.

And what good is love
For the broken hearted
That even though they learn
They ache with every breath.

Forgotten and erased
Many are abused
Violently attacked
And hastily replaced.

Publically humiliated
And taunted every day
The good often tortured
In any way they can.

For evil cares not only to win
But also to kill
Destroy and steal
Replacing all that was good
With all that is false. 

They hurt me bad
And they cut me deep
Chumming a trail in the waters
A lifeless white heap.

But only God
Can make a tree
And only God
Can change the day.

Finding me as I was
And loving me
As I am
Growing from nothing
A bigger heart
And finer fruit.

The Jump Room

Jump Room                                                 2/28/2017

Babies play with Angels
And toddlers talk to ghosts
But I just have dreams
Far away
And full of possibility.   

There is much
That is hidden
But not in the ways
That we are told.

Erased in the night
By devious pretenders
The forbidden truth
Given by God
To the few
And the good. 

Scrubbed away
And chiseled down
By the envious
And the hateful. 

Insulted and replaced
Accused and shamed
All for a lie
That only grows
Bigger every day. 

Doubled down
And tripled over
The mountain of deceit
Sitting on a fault
Unstable and steep.

We who have lived
Have also seen
Unmistakable truth
And obvious fools.

Sappers in the wire
Destroying all they can
Just for a paycheck
And a slap on the back.

Fake people
Predictable and flat
Altogether meaningless
Thoughtless and dumb.

All of them parrots
Paid to shriek
And paid to lie
Pretending not to know
That we all jump
And die.   

Friday, February 24, 2017


Ditched                2/24/2017

Spring, Summer, or fall
Winter passes over
As days turn into weeks
And weeks
Into years.

We walk through a soup
Caustic and cruel
Wearing us out
And wearing us down.

All of it unnecessary
And all of it dumb
Predestined to die
Deluded and deceived 
By a mountain of lies.

All but for a reason
I may never know
The sun woke me up
Asleep in my dreams.

Showing me the wrongs
That I had never seen
Lost by omission
Or deliberate

Covered over
And covered up
As if they never happened
And as if
No one knew. 

Dead evidence
Bulldozed away
Covered in a ditch
And forgotten.

Eyes gouged out
And stabbed countless times
Murdered without mention
And blamed without remorse.

The beasts run wild
And are spread far and wide
Knowingly released
To predate and murder.

He comes with a sword
But the sword
Is not in vain
The truth at once
Beautiful and glaring.

Woe to him
That covers his face
Preferring darkness to light
And the comfort
Of lies. 

All they ever had to do
Was to look and see
No matter how uncomfortable
And burning. 

But blessed is he
Who walks into the den
And bold.

Even if wounded
And even if attacked
Willing to endure
For the greater
Of the whole.

We hold on
To many people
And places
But now I am let them go
In perfect peace.

Search, seek
And always pray
That God will find
Us worthy
Even though we slept
And forgot.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Second Avenue

Second Avenue                   2/23/2017

I curled up on the couch
Underneath the windows
In the quiet of the day
Peaceful and warm.

Looking up at the sunbeam
The dust particles danced in my eyes
Lazily floating through the air
Another day
Lost to time. 

We could have been left alone
But what fun
Would that have been?
Even if we never asked
And even if we never tired. 

I was almost asleep
When my son
Jumped on me
Square in the middle
Laughing at me
And full of delight. 

I remembered the old house
The one that I grew up in
Lost in a sunbeam
Suspended in a dream.

Divided up
And falling down
Just like many others
The decaying reminders
Of what might have been.

All that others built
Now lies in ruins
Sold for nothing
And occupied by strangers.

But it is I
Who is the stranger
An alien in his own land
Deliberately muted
And massively displaced.

I watch it from afar
Knowing it is a lie
The culmination of men
Craven and cruel. 

They will never learn
And they slowly kill themselves
Ignorant till the end
With a knife at their throat.

Selling us out
And inch at a time
Erased from history
And covered by time. 

My father built many things
And now he rests with angels
Speaking to my son
At the salute of guns.

The world is rotten
And evil never sleeps
Slithering in
The tiniest of cracks. 

Come quickly Lord
And save all you can
Gathering the good
And burning the evil.