Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer Sixteen---- Rob McManus is back from vacation

Summer sixteen            6/20/2016

Driving in my car
The words flow
But at rest
They are forgotten
Falling like snowflakes
Too perfect to last.

I asked for almost nothing,
But then, they took everything
Leaving me in a haunted house
Surrounded by ghosts.

Alcoholics and addicts
Do not have dreams,
But sober they have nightmares
About all that they had
And all that they lost.

Visiting and revisiting the past
And all their broken dreams
The people and the places
Alienated and strange.

To truly live
Is to be betrayed
Knowing in your marrow
The crushing weight
Of treacherous evil.

Far reaching in consequence
The reverberations of spiritual murder
Leaving many to suffer
And unravel.

In a world of lies
The truth becomes a terror
And sunlight an enemy
To be squashed and snuffed
At every opportunity.

The words will come
And so also the truth
As ravenous as a wolf
Grinning at the gate.

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