Thursday, June 2, 2016

Double Back

 Double Back                                        6/2/2016

We who carry the burden
Struggle under the weight
Always chasing the carrot
And avoiding the stick.

Yes I swallowed the hook
And yes I believed the lies
Asleep at the wheel
And running in place. 

A debt slave to interest
And a lab rat for fun
Prodded, pushed
Measured and stuck.   

A statistic to be recorded
And a number to be checked
Tracked as a consumer
And motivated by threat.  

The end looms
And that is the desperation
As all of us awaken
And stare at the truth.

We tried
And we ran
Furious against the wheel
But in the end
We always lose
And die. 

Prostrate to the few
For favor and for life
The new feudal subjects
To be fleeced and mocked.

Crushed by the knowledge
That it was all a lie
That our dreams were sold
Three generations ago. 

It hurts
To know
But it's still a better thing
Than running blind 
And dead on your feet.

It doesn’t pay
But we will try anyway
Holding on to what is left
And dying on the vine. 

We have watched them all
Rise up
And run
Just like us
Spinning in a wheel.

They go on
And then they fall off
Just another notch
In a ledger
Sleeping in the dirt. 

No one dares to speak
And no one dares acknowledge
The heavy hand of hatred
And the silence of contempt. 

Sold for nothing
And blamed for everything
The good, productive,
Innocent and honest. 

See the beasts come
And watch how they murder
Cowardly striking
Their face in a mask. 

They always double back
Because they cannot stand to lose
The ugly side of man
Violent and cruel. 

They wallow in their hatred
And they see the end is near
Unable to face the truth
Obvious as the sun. 

The writing is in the sky
So now see what they will do
Lashing out at the good
With malice, hate, and death. 

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