Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Side Saddle

Side Saddle                           6/21/2016

Tick Tock Zero
The gears move the hand
All eyes upwards
And into our head.

Inside, outside
Over and done
Living in a bubble
Tilted and spun.  
Its good looking out
But a terror to see
That life means nothing
If its you 
Or if its me.    

The true believers try
To get what they can. 
Ambitious for money 
And power.      
Fed bits of carrot
And poked with a stick
We are taught to obey
And learn how to lie. 

A few control it all
And herd us like sheep
Controlled by submission
And killed by hate. 

Barraged by propaganda

That is barely disguised 
The strongest are diluted
And marginalized. 

Herded in circles
Until they drop and die
The millions who lived
Piled deep
And piled high. 

 Brick and mortar
Steel and glass
The world is built
And then destroyed.

 All for money
And all for control
With war for profit
And murder for fun.  

The locusts invade 
And then they devour
Mere tools to be used
And discarded.

But good are bled
And their loyalty abused
Primed to kill each other
Before they learn
Or question.       

To cynical to try
And too tired to care
Worn down and dumb
The good before the zero.  

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