Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Rip Cord

Rip Cord                             6/29/2016

It was always the same
Much more a choice
Than a feeling
The decision in the heart
To love and share.

But it is not
A one-time decision
For the choice is made
Every day
And every night. 

Earned before deserved
And treasured in the soul
The gift of devotion
Practiced and repeated
Until known by heart. 

Peeling back the layers
We begin to understand
The mystery of the past
Hidden from view. 

Evil seldom happens
In just one night
But instead creeps in
In weeks, months, or years. 

One thing leads to another
Harmless and mute
Until we find ourselves trapped
And fighting for our life. 

Our vision of the present
Is often the poorest of all
Especially when deceived
And deluded.

Fools ride their emotions
And go with the flow
Used like a farm implement
To harvest and sow. 

Manipulated by messages
And spoon fed fairy tales
Their innocence used against them
And slain like sheep. 

Taught to doubt themselves
And taught to self-flagellate
Spoiled in the head
And hating themselves. 

Easily bought
They wage war
Against the good
Rewarded for compliance
And punished for truth. 

To them,
There is nothing more dangerous
Than awakened souls
The ones who yearn
To break free
And learn. 

They are the ones
Found murdered in bed
Bludgeoned in rage
Before they could escape.    

Lashing out
Like a wounded animal
The desperation of tyrants
And sociopaths. 

Nothing but symbiotic parasites
The different flavors
Of the same brand
Conspiring together
To plunder and kill. 

Bleeding off
And bleeding together
Gorging themselves
On the blood of innocents.

The cord is pulled
And now we see  
The face of evil
Cornered, desperate, and angry. 

We can try
And we can act
But only God can save
Who it is that asks. 

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